
who are we?



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    Welcome to the Umeå Centre for Global Health Research!

    We are a Centre of Excellence within Umeå University, set up in 2007 through a grant from FAS (now Forte), the Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research (grant no. 2006-1512) and supported by co-funding from Umeå University. Our mission is to engage with a global agenda on health research, addressing critical issues in global health and facilitating interaction and collaboration between Northern and Southern partners.


Our publications list for 2007-2016 available as a PDF download here



Read about the Centre on the FORTE website

Download the UCGHR brochure here

  Latest UCGHR tweets

UCGHR Director Peter Byass has a regular global health blog you can follow on Huffington Post

We are located in northern Sweden (latitude 63.81654o N, longitude 20.29698o E), within Umeå University and the city of Umeå, and in Västerbotten County.

In Umeå University, we are located within the Division of Epidemiology and Global Health and the Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine.

From 2012-2016 we hosted the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Verbal Autopsy 

We also host the open-access journal "Global Health Action", which deals with all aspects of global health.


 More information on specific research themes:

     Theme I: Epidemiological Transition                                                            EU DengueTools Consortium

     Theme II: Life-course Perspectives on Health Interventions

     Theme III: Strengthening Primary Health Care

     Theme IV: Gender and Health

     Theme V: Climate Change and Health




This page: last updated by Peter Byass 29th September 2017